
Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家

作者:搜球吧 发布时间:2020-04-03 09:41:21

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(1)


Located in one of the first high-rise buildings in Barcelona, on a busy road at the entrance to the city, this house conceals something very surprising. Its partitioned interior leads to a luscious apple-green oasis, full of sunlight. However, this outdoor space was all but imperceptible from the apartment itself. Therefore, from the outset of this project, strengthening the visual and spatial connection between these two spaces would be key.

该公寓有着67平方米的建筑面积,足够容纳它的新主人——一个三口之家。但却没有一个房间大到足以让居住者有时间在一起或招待客人。他们要求Nook Architects设计一种更适合他们生活方式的新布局。

With 67 square-metres of floor space, it was spacious enough to accommodate its new owners – a family of three. Yet none of the rooms was big enough to allow its occupants to spend time together or to host guests.They asked Nook Architects to design a new layout that would better suit their lifestyle.

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(2)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(3)


The new layout centres around a gallery-style space at one end of the home, featuring a row of traditional wooden-frame windows that face out over a verdant garden.Nook expanded this space by relocating the bathroom to the other side of the home and opening it up to two adjacent rooms that were previously separate.


But rather than making the room completely open-plan, the architects chose to keep sections of the walls intact. These help to loosely divide it into a kitchen area, a lounge space, and an area for dining and entertaining.

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(4)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(5)


The space also includes a corner snug with a custom-designed daybed.”The bespoke sofa can be transformed into a bed for guests, or simply a place to read or have a siesta,” explained Nook Architects.


Materials and finishes were chosen to match with existing details in the property. Wooden joinery and flooring matches the tones of the original windows, while the terracotta tones of a traditional Catalan vaulted ceiling are complemented by pale mint-green walls.Other details include monochrome floor tiles with a geometric pattern and a white marble kitchen island.

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(6)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(7)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(8)

∇ 平面图(改造前后)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(9)

Nook Architects | 巴塞罗那67㎡三口之家(10)

设计公司:Nook Architects
结构工程:Francesc Gorgas
建筑工程:Metric Integra
摄影:Gael del Río


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